Upgrade considerations (v0.10.8) ================================ - Template tag ``change_lang`` now needs a second parameter, ``page`` Upgrade considerations (v0.8) ============================= This version includes breaking changes as some key parts of the app have been re-written: - The most important change is that ``Page`` is now patched with translation fields. - ``WAGTAILMODELTRANSLATION_ORIGINAL_SLUG_LANGUAGE`` setting has been deprecated. To upgrade to this version you need to: - Replace the ``WagtailTranslationOptions`` with ``TranslationOptions`` in all translation.py files - Run :code:`python manage.py sync_page_translation_fields` at least once to create ``Page``'s translation fields - Replace any usages of Wagtail's ``{% slugurl ... %}`` for :code:`wagtail-modeltranslation`'s own ``{% slugurl_trans ... %}`` - While optional it's recommended to add ``'wagtail_modeltranslation.makemigrations'`` to your INSTALLED_APPS. This will override Django's ``makemigrations`` command to avoid creating spurious ``Page`` migrations. Upgrade considerations (v0.6) ============================= This version has some important changes as there was a refactoring to include django-modeltranslation as a dependency instead of duplicating their code in our version. This allow us to focus on Wagtail admin integration features as django-modeltranslation is very well mantained and is very quickly to fix problems with the latest Django versions. This way we also keep all the django-modeltranslation features (if you want you can also customize django-admin, for example). We also provide a new class to create the translation options classes: **WagtailTranslationOptions** Most of the changes are related to imports as they change from wagtail-modeltranslation to modeltranslation. To upgrade to this version you need to: - Replace the ``TranslationOptions`` with ``WagtailTranslationOptions`` in all translation.py files - The import of the register decorator is now ``from modeltranslation.decorators import register`` - The import of translator is now ``from modeltranslation.translator import translator``